If you are a school teacher in England near Surrey (or London or West Sussex) and would like me to come to your school
and give your students a one-hour presentation with a practical lab on how to tell the difference between the three types
of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic), I have a nice one-hour presentation/lab that I have done at a number of schools
over the years. This presentation is always a lot of fun for the students (and an excellent introduction to earth science)
and can be tailored up or down to be suitable for all primary or secondary grades.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility
of having me come to your school,
you can write to me at: WriterDrMary@aol.com
I am also available to talk to reading groups, book
clubs, geographic chapters, or other organizations about writing my book or my experiences as an exploration geologist
in Alaska. If you are not in the London area, perhaps we could set up a Skype session.